N头条>英语词典>partner off翻译和用法

partner off

英 [ˈpɑːtnə(r) ɒf]

美 [ˈpɑːrtnər ɔːf]

配成对, 做搭档




  • You may tolerate a partner who differs radically from you when you would be better off ending the relationship and seeking out someone whose outlook is closer to yours.
  • If the breakup was your decision, keep in mind that only thinking about all the good times you had with your partner may cause you to forget the reasons why you broke it off.
  • As long as your partner isn't already sick, a couple of sexy escapades a week can boost a particular antibody that fights off colds, according to a 1999 study.
  • Sometimes when it comes to sex, you do something for your partner that isn't your favorite thing& because it gets them off.
  • Researchers speculate that women with less-masculine partners may become less interested in their partner when they come off birth control, contributing to relationship dissatisfaction.
  • A partner or close friend might want more freedom, more space, more independence; they might even want to break off a relationship.
  • My partner slacks off at work.
  • And both the economy and currency of Brazil, the country's chief trading partner, have taken off, creating a booming market for manufactured goods.
  • The following day, the woman's de facto partner set up a video camera in an effort to capture evidence of paranormal activity in the house, but had forgotten to turn it off.
  • Helena Bonham Carter, Burton's real-life partner, plays the villainous Red Queen, who is most famous for the line "Off with their heads!"